Dover provides AI-generated recruiting email templates, helping recruiters automate and personalize candidate outreach. provides AI-generated recruiting email templates, helping recruiters automate and personalize candidate outreach. helps businesses automate content creation using AI, generating personalized marketing materials and social media posts.
Eventbrite is a platform for creating, discovering, and managing events of all sizes. It allows organizers to sell tickets, promote events, and engage with attendees.
Nolo provides legal resources and advice for small businesses, families, and individuals. It offers guides, books, and templates on legal topics, including contracts and estate planning.
SideHustleStack is a resource that lists platforms for earning extra income through side gigs. It covers freelance, creative, and entrepreneurial opportunities.
Upwork is a global freelancing platform connecting businesses with independent professionals. It offers job listings across various fields, from design to software development.
JustRemote connects professionals with remote job opportunities across various industries.